Career Consulting Program of Tan Tao University at Go Den High School


On December 16, 2023, Tan Tao University (TTU) coordinated with Go Den High School to organize career guidance activities for all grade 12 students of the school. At the event, students were advised, discussed and oriented to future careers by teachers and experts. The event was vibrant and exciting, attracting more than 450 students to participate.

Master. Duong Hoai An – Head of Office of Media & Student Recruitment – Student Affairs & Business Relations of Tan Tao University provides career counseling for Go Den High School students

The continuous socio-economic development, especially the explosion of technology, has created a new picture in the labor market. These fluctuations not only open up many new opportunities for personal development but also pose significant challenges, creating a competitive labor environment.

Go Den High School students are excited during the career counseling session

In the increasingly complex context of the labor market mentioned above, having a thorough understanding of the industry before entering the university environment has become more important than ever. Therefore, the career counseling program at Go Den High School is not simply a guidance session, but also a meeting to share experiences and motivate students.

The program not only focuses on introducing popular occupations but also provides an in-depth look at developing and potential future occupations. Experts, entrepreneurs and successful people in the industry share information, personal experiences and the latest trends, success stories, challenges overcome, secrets that will be a strong source of motivation strong, helping them become more confident in making decisions about their future.

After finishing the sharing of useful information, the program organizers from Tan Tao University continued to receive responses from students with many direct questions related to the professions being trained. at TTU; scholarship policy; tuition; the teaching staff working in education at the school; along with questions about how to study and prepare yourself before the 2024 National High School Exam,…

Through each stage of career counseling at high schools, we have realized the desire of students who are looking to shape their professional future. This proves that interest and awareness about career choice and personal development are increasingly being recognized.

We are proud to expand the reach of our series of career counseling programs, not only to introduce careers but also to impart creative thinking, self-discovery and discovery of opportunities. new association. In particular, we always welcome and look for talented students to become a part of the “heart” of Tan Tao University. We are not only a place to train knowledge but also an environment to nurture spirit, creative spirit and love of career.